Hi! Im Bruce Wyatt

Open for opportunities

Hong Kong

Hi I am Bruce Wyatt and I am a Software Engineer

I am passionate about frontend technology and this is a personal wiki on my coding journey and also a way for me to keep track of my progress. It is also an opportunity to share my skills to recruiters

Picture of an emoji character

My Technologies

Featured Projects

featured project cards

Depth: The Bookmark Organiser

NextjsFullstackChakra UI

The application that I contributed to during my last summer internship for Depths. It's a bookmark manager(web app) with a chrome extension.

featured project cards

Bucket List Book (React + Firebase) Ongoing...


This is one of my current ongoing project. I am planning to use the Google book API and combine it with Firebase to create a small Book bucket list.

featured project cards

CalenTarget: The assignment organizer

React NativeCSS

This React Native App was a group assignment part of my "Mobile design and Development" Course from university.


Project One

Project two

Project three

Project four


Experiment 1

Experiment 2

Experiment 3


Blog 1

Blog 2